(+48-22) 654-74-54 kgk@kgk.com.pl


The Law Firm KGK Kancelaria Radcowska E. Guzowska i S-ka Spółka Komandytowa is a continuation of the Law Firm Kancelaria Radcowska E.Guzowska, K.J.Kawecki i S-ka, which started its business operations in January 2001 after a merger of two law firms run individually by: attorney at law Ewa Guzowska and attorney at law Krzysztof Janusz Kawecki, as a continuation of these firms.

We have been present on the legal services market since 1991 and over that time we have gained rich experience in servicing business entities, specialising in all areas of broadly-defined commercial law and other bodies of law relevant to business activities of our Clients (labour law, tax law, contract law).

The Law Firm offers complex legal services in the field of counselling and litigation.
Our clients are business entities of various sizes and structures, Polish and foreign, out of which French companies and their Polish subsidiaries form a significant part. We provide our legal services in French, English and German.

We form a team of experienced lawyers with comprehensive and business-driven approach to any legal problems of our Clients. Our goal is to provide our Clients with legal services of the highest quality, using modern management methods and innovative and effective ways of solving legal disputes.

CLIENT in the centre of our attention




KGK’s attorneys represented:


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